The Ultimate Crypto Backup
Two plates. One punch pen.
Your encrypted backup
Back up the Perfect Key you generated on ZERO. Punch the characters through the upper plate into the lower plate with the punch pen. Then, you can separate and hide the plates in different locations.
An enigma to everyone but you
If someone finds one of your plates, they will not be able to read your Perfect Key. Only the combination of your upper and lower plate will reveal your key.
More lower plates, more security
You can make multiple backups or divide your key across different lower plates. Make your own backup setup.
Resilient against forces of nature
GRAPHENE is made of stainless steel. It withstands extreme temperatures, water, corrosion and shocks.
Fire. Resists up to 1375°C/2507°F. A house fire will not damage it.
Water. Don’t sweat over water spills. Floods are no threat.
Corrosion. You can bury it under ground. GRAPHENE will not rust.
Shock. Don’t handle with care. GRAPHENE is not fragile.
A recoverable backup
If you lose your upper plate, we can send you a new one if you share your Ultimate Recovery Code. As NGRAVE has no information on your lower plate, your Perfect Key remains safe.
The most secure COMBO
A match made in heaven. This is your complete self-custody solution. NGRAVE gives you the tools to create and back up your keys offline. Truly own your crypto.
Jean Jacques Quisquater,
2nd reference Bitcoin Paper
Recover your Upper Plate
NGRAVE store
Start truly owning your crypto
Next-Day Free Shipping. We ship the very next day. Free for orders above $300.
Flexible payment options. Pay with credit card, Bancontact, or even crypto.
Made in Belgium. All our products are manufactured in Belgium, Europe.
30-day return. Return within 30 days and get all your money back.
Still got some
- GRAPHENE specifications
Last updated November 10, 2021 11:48
The GRAPHENE plates are each the size of an A5 paper:
148mm x 210mm (5.83" x 8.27") x 3mm (2+1).
The plates of the GRAPHENE are 682g (24 oz).
The pen is 72g (2.5 oz).
Stainless steel 316
- Where should I store my GRAPHENE?
Last updated November 10, 2021 15:12
Once you've created your backup, we recommend that you store your GRAPHENE somewhere secure. We also recommend that you store the upper and lower plate in separate locations.
- Can GRAPHENE be used for mnemonic seed backup?
Last updated June 15, 2023 15:20
You can only store a private key in hexadecimal format on the GRAPHENE. It is not possible to store a 12- or 24-word mnemonic seed on it, as the top plate contains scrambled hexadecimal characters.
But you can convert a mnemonic seed to hexadecimal format using the built-in tool in the ZERO or a tool such as https://iancoleman.io/bip39/. To ensure your keys don't get compromised, we recommend downloading this tool to your computer and only use it offline to convert your private key.
This article explains how to use this too to convert between the 2 formats: Can I convert the NGRAVE "Perfect Key" to 24 words?