The Safest Crypto Operating System
Fully custom OS
ZERO’s Operating System (OS) was developed from scratch by our security experts. While some hardware wallets rely on mobile phone operating systems, NGRAVE removes any associated vulnerabilities with its own OS.
Tamper proof
ZERO has 4 layers of tamper protection. You can verify it was not manipulated on its way to you. You can’t open it without damaging it. You can’t put it back together again without leaving traces. There are sensors inside ZERO which wipe the device if opened.
Enhanced security with biometrics
ZERO's biometric sensor adds a layer of security for authentication and transaction signing. Your fingerprint is used as a variable to create your Perfect Key, unlock your device, and sign transactions in combination with a solid 8-digit PIN code.
Gradual open source approach
NGRAVE will combine open-source with rigorous certifications and audits. It will gradually open-source except for its secure element and the secure OS that achieved EAL7 certification.
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Key articles
Still got some
- How do I update my ZERO?
You can only perform a firmware update by using the official NGRAVE update tool on your computer. You can find step-by-step instructions on
- How safe are ZERO firmware updates?
The ZERO has a built-in USB-C port that can be used for two things only: charging, and firmware updates. Unless the ZERO is in 'update mode', data transfer via the USB-C port is impossible.
Moreover, the USB-C port is isolated from the rest of the device for security reasons. This means that to enable USB, you have to reboot the device. In this ‘update mode’ the ZERO will only receive packages and the USB will be sandboxed from any other part of the device, including any part that contains sensitive data.
- How do I know the ZERO I received is safe to use?
When you power up your NGRAVE ZERO device for the first time, you'll be prompted to scan a QR code on our website. This will verify that your device is genuine and was made by NGRAVE.